FRIDAY, JUNE 28th 2019

Oft-identified with the now-generation of power electronics, Puce Mary – the solo project of Danish artist and musician Frederikke Hoffmeier – has a reputation for intense live-performances that span from gripping renditions of fresh material to the the full-on fury of off-the-cuff harsh noise. Yet, with The Drought – her latest LP on the Berlin-based PAN label – Hoffmeier expands the field of sound more boldly and broadly than before, unfurling a sonic and literary narrative of tension and desperation. Amidst disquieting dynamics and surreal cinematics, she voices existential soliloquies, while swarms of sound lurk and blasts interrupt. The Drought is for the ages to be sure – “I find myself feeling like decades have passed” she intones on “Red Desert” – but it is also unmistakably contemporary, giving new urgency to the fabrics she digs – be it the dense textures of Bianchi or lit of Baudelaire. Having been headquartered in Los Angeles for a couple years now, Puce Mary marks the physical release of The Drought here with a special concert performance.
Seismic and visceral, Damion Romero’s live performances are singular actions; high-volume, low-frequency affairs that have a logic unto themselves. With powered amplifiers and custom electroacoustic apparatuses, Romero literally plays the room, parlaying the acoustic features of a space into a rumble of low-end interference patterns, which in turn rattle every resonant material in earshot. Though his work shares some of the extreme audio aesthetics of the original Japanese noise artists (with whom Romero shared bills on both sides of the Pacific going back to the 90s) there is ultimately no reference point, as all else seems to dissolve in the soup of the moment. A crucial figure in the sonic landscape of Los Angeles for a quarter-century, Romero has been on hiatus from live performance of late, but now auspiciously returns to fill a new room. Come feel and hear the heaviest vibe.
KALI MALONE (US/SE - Ascetic House, XKatedral)
Headquartered in Stockholm, Kali Malone is an American composer and musician who creates sonic monoliths that tug at the very material of listening. Via analog and digital synthesis – and within compositional frameworks that utilize duration and repetition, as well as unique tunings and psycho-acoustics – Malone’s dark minimalism maintains a certain gravity, even as the ground shifts. A recent string of albums explore the interplay with acoustic instrumentation: winds, strings, and – notably – the pipe organ. Malone’s work has been presented at Berlin Atonal, Moogfest, Cafe Oto, and Swedish Radio. This will be her first performance in Los Angeles.
"The transaction of minimalism is one of withholding: by revealing less, more is implied. Yet such restraint places greater strain on the instrumentation, as its textures and timbres inevitably become the focal point. Kali Malone explores the pitfalls and possibilities of this reductionist principle." - Britt Brown, The Wire
With all-killer freeform sets at the club and studious journeys on the air, Amanda Siegel plucks deep cuts from undergrounds now and then, near and far, via punks and rocks, and synths and psychs. Her monthly show Crossed Wires airs on NTS Radio. x
Oft-identified with the now-generation of power electronics, Puce Mary – the solo project of Danish artist and musician Frederikke Hoffmeier – has a reputation for intense live-performances that span from gripping renditions of fresh material to the the full-on fury of off-the-cuff harsh noise. Yet, with The Drought – her latest LP on the Berlin-based PAN label – Hoffmeier expands the field of sound more boldly and broadly than before, unfurling a sonic and literary narrative of tension and desperation. Amidst disquieting dynamics and surreal cinematics, she voices existential soliloquies, while swarms of sound lurk and blasts interrupt. The Drought is for the ages to be sure – “I find myself feeling like decades have passed” she intones on “Red Desert” – but it is also unmistakably contemporary, giving new urgency to the fabrics she digs – be it the dense textures of Bianchi or lit of Baudelaire. Having been headquartered in Los Angeles for a couple years now, Puce Mary marks the physical release of The Drought here with a special concert performance.
Seismic and visceral, Damion Romero’s live performances are singular actions; high-volume, low-frequency affairs that have a logic unto themselves. With powered amplifiers and custom electroacoustic apparatuses, Romero literally plays the room, parlaying the acoustic features of a space into a rumble of low-end interference patterns, which in turn rattle every resonant material in earshot. Though his work shares some of the extreme audio aesthetics of the original Japanese noise artists (with whom Romero shared bills on both sides of the Pacific going back to the 90s) there is ultimately no reference point, as all else seems to dissolve in the soup of the moment. A crucial figure in the sonic landscape of Los Angeles for a quarter-century, Romero has been on hiatus from live performance of late, but now auspiciously returns to fill a new room. Come feel and hear the heaviest vibe.
KALI MALONE (US/SE - Ascetic House, XKatedral)
Headquartered in Stockholm, Kali Malone is an American composer and musician who creates sonic monoliths that tug at the very material of listening. Via analog and digital synthesis – and within compositional frameworks that utilize duration and repetition, as well as unique tunings and psycho-acoustics – Malone’s dark minimalism maintains a certain gravity, even as the ground shifts. A recent string of albums explore the interplay with acoustic instrumentation: winds, strings, and – notably – the pipe organ. Malone’s work has been presented at Berlin Atonal, Moogfest, Cafe Oto, and Swedish Radio. This will be her first performance in Los Angeles.
"The transaction of minimalism is one of withholding: by revealing less, more is implied. Yet such restraint places greater strain on the instrumentation, as its textures and timbres inevitably become the focal point. Kali Malone explores the pitfalls and possibilities of this reductionist principle." - Britt Brown, The Wire
With all-killer freeform sets at the club and studious journeys on the air, Amanda Siegel plucks deep cuts from undergrounds now and then, near and far, via punks and rocks, and synths and psychs. Her monthly show Crossed Wires airs on NTS Radio. x